Building vocabulary

Build your child’s vocabulary by talking about interesting words and objects. For example, “Look at that airplane! Those are the wings of the plane. Why do you think they are called wings?”

Youngsters and snacking

Young children need to snack throughout the day in addition to regularly scheduled meals. Keep the snacks small and provide water instead of juice or milk so your preschooler will be hungry at mealtime.

Is he a lefty?

Kids first start to show hand preference around age 2, though they’re likely to experiment by switching back and forth. By the time they’re 3, most are fairly consistent in which hand they use to draw, pick up a cup, reach, and wave.

Make sidewalk paint!

Make sidewalk paint! Take equal portions of water and corn starch. Mix well and add a drop of food coloring. Paint  washes off easily with water.

Toddlers dressing themselves

Involving toddlers in the dressing process is the first step towards independence. This also helps self-esteem and promotes problem solving.

Picking a pre-school program

Preschool programs that properly stimulate and nurture a young child’s mind will result in better-prepared children by the time they start school.

Activity: Crayon Tree

Make a crayon tree. Take a paper towel roll and use scissors to poke some holes big enough for a crayon. Then let toddler put crayons in the holes. This activity helps with coordination and will help teach them colors.

Teeting and tummy problems

Many babies and toddlers get diarrhea or an upset stomach while they are teething.  Many also refuse to eat solid foods while teeth are erupting.

Limiting caffeine

Limit food and drink (especially any drinks containing caffeine) before bedtime. Remember, many clear beverages contain caffeine, so check the label.

Gathering yourself when traveling thought security

Use the time after security check in to pick up any drinks or snacks you will need on the plane. Not all flights carry milk, and airplane tap water is not considered safe to drink (especially for children or babies).

Toddler waking issues

Many toddlers get disoriented and upset when they wake up at night in a dark room and can’t see anything they recognize. A night-light will reassure your child that he’s in familiar surroundings and help him settle himself back to sleep.

Kitchen toys

Stainless steel bowls are great toys for your toddler.
They are shiny and reflective, they are great for banging and they can make a lot of noise when they rattle them around on the floor – add a wooden spoon into the mix and they have a makeshift set of drums and stacking toys.

Try to “walk a mile” in your child’s shoes

The key to understanding children’s behavior often comes with understanding what/how they are feeling and the events that lead up to their negative actions.

The “Parent Who Forgets the Diapers”

Don’t Be the "Parent Who Keeps Forgetting to Bring Diapers" to pre-school. Buy one of those large packages of diapers and put it in the trunk of your car, then when you get the "diapers needed" note, you can just walk outside and get them.

Nuts and seeds

Think of nuts and seeds as little storage units for nutrients. Almond butter, cashew butter, sunflower seed butter, and hazelnut butter are great alternatives to peanut butter but with the same healthy fats, minerals, fiber and vitamins.

Appearance of asthma

Approximately 50 percent of children with asthma appear to outgrow asthma when they reach adolescence.

Offering choices

Offering choices teaches life skills and can actually improve behavior. Preschoolers need to practice decision making skills and parents need preschoolers to stay on schedule, clean up and brush their teeth, along with a number of other issues.

Allergies in infants

The first sign of allergy usually in infants is eczema, which is a dry, itchy, scaly skin condition the hallmarks are really itching and dryness and redness of the skin.

Toddler fears

As your toddler grows and changes, so do the things that worry him. From bump-in-the-night frights to flush-down-the-drain dread, find out about typical toddler fears.

Limiting play dates

Play dates for two- to 3-year-olds work best if they’re limited to two children close in age, somewhat structured in terms of activities, and supervised by both sets of parents.