Tasty Rx

If your child falls and cuts his or her lip, use something cold, such as a Popsicle. Your child will be excited about a treat, and it will reduce swelling at the same time.

No shots for kids

There are old wives tales about giving babies a shot of brandy to help them through teething, but this is dangerous, and poisonous to them.

Choking hazard

When a child gags on a drink or a piece of food, she will often cough forcefully enough to clear her airway. Don’t slap her back or reach into her mouth with your fingers while she’s coughing; it could push the object farther down her windpipe.

Bumps and bruises

All toddlers fall as they learn to walk, run, climb & jump. Most bumps are mild & no need to worry. But if there is any loss of consciousness, call doctor immediately.

Fluids and sick toddler

There are a number of ways that you can replace fluids in your sick toddler. Water, juice, popsicles, broth and jell-O are all good choices.

Learn child first aid and CPR

Learn child first aid and CPR. Be prepared. Know how to call for help, including poison control. The national toll-free line for poison control is 1-800-222-1222.

Poison Control hotline

Post the national Poison Control Hotline (1-800-222-1222) and other emergency numbers next to every phone.

Signs of frostbite

Signs of frostbite are a whitening & waxy look to exposed skin. Go indoors immediately, cover exposed skin with warm blanket, & call doctor

Alternative to liquid medicines

If your toddler won’t take liquid medicine, try chewable pills or easy-to-swallow capsules, if available.

Minor burns

For minor burns, run cold water over the affected area for a minimum of 10 minutes or until the pain eases.

Washing hands

Wash your hands frequently, and make sure your children do the same.

Be aware of frostbite in winter

Winter weather and indoor heating can cause itchy, dry eczema to flare up. Give your child short, lukewarm baths or showers, and wash with a mild soap like Dove.

Frostbite often attacks toes, tip of the nose and ears. Signs include numb, grey-white or yellowish skin with a waxy feel, blisters. If frostbite is mild, give Advil or Tylenol. Then, gradually warm the area: microwave a wet cloth in a zip-top bag (it shouldn’t be hot to touch — affected skin burns easily). Hold the bag against the area. For more extreme cases, see your doctor.

Removing Band-Aids

Heating a band-aid a little with a hair dryer will soften the adhesive so the bandage comes off painlessly.

preventing choking in babies

To prevent your baby from choking, cut her food into small bites. Don’t allow your baby to play with anything that may cover her face or is easy for her to swallow.

From: cdc.gov.

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How to test for fever without a thermometer

When testing for fever without a thermometer, use the lip test. Touch your lips to the forehead of the baby.

From: huggies.com

Poison control

Know to call 1-800-222-1222 if someone takes poison. This number will connect you to emergency help in your area.

From: homesafetycouncil.org Opens in new window

Taking medicine

Make sure your child is standing or sitting up at least a 45-degree angle when taking any medicine. This reduces the risk of choking.

From: pampers.com Opens in new window