Make sure to maintain eye contact when you express your feelings to your child.
Make sure to maintain eye contact when you express your feelings to your child. 60% of little people aged six months to two years (as well as 1 in 10 babies under 6 months) were found to play with devices around the home like laptops, computers, phones and tablets. Positive attention tops the list of parenting tips for toddlers. Make sure your displays of affection for your child outnumber any consequences or punishments. Cuddle on the couch and sing a few songs together, read a book or two, play together on the floor for 10 minutes- this bit of time gives your little one the attention she is looking for before she even knows she needs it. When you decide it’s time to begin potty training, set your child up for success. Start by maintaining a sense of humor and a positive attitude. Sometimes, even just the simple act of a reassuring hug can say “I love you” and help stop negative behavior. Review manners and basic social skills with your tot like how to wash his hands. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children younger than 2 years old watch no television and that those older than 2 watch no more than one to two hours a day of quality programming. Take time to listen to your toddler’s answers. Toddlers have strong opinions and interesting ideas about the world. While you can find a great deal of information about parenting we are all quite different people and need to develop our own child parenting styles based upon our own life experience, relationships and skills. It never hurts to add some affection into daily activities. You’ll enjoy the hugs and your child will too. Affirm your child’s willingness to share her/his ideas, feelings, and experiences. Place a high value on talking together. The key to understanding children’s behavior often comes with understanding what/how they are feeling and the events that lead up to their negative actions. Most children are afraid of the dark on some level — it’s a very common fear of the unknown. To combat this fear, try teaching your child how to turn on lights around the house, and add a night-light to his bedroom. Putting your preschooler in charge of a regular, simple task will build her confidence and sense of competency. Among the best of tips for parents is to simply relax and enjoy watching a toddler develop and grow. This precious time fades all too quickly. Be aware of your posture and position when talking with your child. Get down to your child’s eye level. Kneel next to him or sit beside him to take away the intimidating difference in size and height. To a child, the best thing you can give them is your undivided attention. What could be better, then, than to spend a whole morning, afternoon, or evening with just you? Studies show that toddler discipline using positive reinforcement works far better than punishment. Say “Yes”. Change from using “No” comments to using “Yes” comments as much as possible. |
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