Car trip travel tip

When going on long car trips, prepare ahead with paper bags of items to be given out every 25, 50 or 75 miles — marked on a map with the location, it takes a little bit of preparation to do this but it REALLY helps young children.

In each bag put a wrapped item — usually a small toy. Then in some of the surprise packages you can add juice or a snack, stickers and a piece of paper, or something pertaining to the trip that you can talk about.

Picky eaters

What if an underweight toddler is a picky eater? This is a typical problem with many toddlers, but is one that can be overcome.

It often takes offering a food 15 times before a picky eater will try the food. Try offering new foods to toddlers along with foods that they like and they will eventually experiment with the food.

Direct sun and tots

If you will be in direct sun for any length of time apply some sun block/screen on your baby/toddler. There are products made just for their young, sensitive skin.

Milk guidelines

When deciding on the milk to give your child follow these guidelines: Give full cream milk to children between 1 and 2 years of age. Whole milk has 4% fat. Children over 2 years of age do not need full cream milk.

Todder Imaginations

As your kid’s mind matures and his imagination starts to amp up, often so will his fears. You may find your totally chill, adventurous toddler is suddenly afraid of everything from loud noises to the bath.

Toddlers and meal time

Most toddlers will not eat three meals a day but will generally prefer to eat 5 to 6 smaller meals.

Toddler safe car seats

Keeping toddlers safe in the car means always placing them in a properly installed child car seat. Use a five-point harness as long as possible.

Is your toddler a picky eater?

Even if your toddler is a picky eater, if he is growing normally and is physically active, with a lot of energy, then his diet is probably okay.

Helping toddlers get dressed

Involving toddlers in the dressing process is the first step towards independence. This also helps self-esteem and promotes problem solving.


Anything small enough to fit in your toddler’s tiny hand going into his mouth. That is the way you need to look at surroundings when toddler proofing.

When toddlers learn

Toddlers learn by playing and they learn a lot between ages 1 and 3. At 1, a child may be working on a wobbly walk but by 3, most can balance briefly on one foot.

Take a break

After your toddler starts to play on his/her own, keep a magazine nearby and sneak a peek at a page while she is stacking blocks. She’ll let you know when she needs some more attention.

Toddlers and commercials

Toddlers are influenced by commercials and ads. Commercials have the most uncanny ability to sell anything to children and make it seem like it is the best thing ever.

Planning for safety when toddlers go mobile

When children can run and climb unrestricted child-proofing is essential – including window guards, gates on stairways, cabinet locks.

Decorating a toddler’s bedroom

When decorating a toddler’s bedroom use paint instead of wallpaper because it would be easy for a toddler to rip down.

Toddler attention span tip

Don’t expect your toddler to sit still for a book. They may be moving, but they are listening.

Common items can be bathroom dangers

Keep items like mouthwash, toothpaste and other kid hazard items away. Plungers can make a fun (if not disgusting) play toy to a toddler; don’t leave one by the toilet.

Avoiding sharing issues with todders

If you know that it is going to be an issue to share a special toy then try to leave it at home. Don’t expect other kids not to want to play with it.

Toddlers and paying attention

Though it may be hard to believe, toddlers are not purposefully disobeying to get you mad. They have a very short memory & are highly impulsive.

Travel seats with toddlers

Airline regulations require that large travel seats (past the edge of the airplane seat) must be in the window position. This is to prevent it from blocking easy exit.