The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education has recognized the importance of “children’s active use of technology in making decisions, technology resources in writing and drawing, and logical thinking programs to solve problems and illustrate ideas.
74% of the children who are diagnosed with reading problems in the 3rd grade, continue with problems into the 9th grade.
Preschoolers learn the difference between reality and fantasy. By the end of the preschool years, your child will have a better understanding of past, present and future.
By 16 months, your toddler will probably start making many common consonant sounds, such as t, d, n, w, and h. Learning to make these sounds is a watershed event, one that leads to the rapid vocabulary spurt that most children go through starting around 18 months.
Build your child’s vocabulary by talking about interesting words and objects. For example, “Look at that airplane! Those are the wings of the plane. Why do you think they are called wings?”
If your toddler is being raised in a bilingual environment, the number of words he can speak will be split between the two languages he’s learning.
Preschool programs that properly stimulate and nurture a young child’s mind will result in better-prepared children by the time they start school
Baby Toys are not just your baby’s playing tool, they help a lot in building their overall development. So before buying toys for your child, you should think of its utility and different ways of playing it.
Enroll your toddlers in summer programs at local museums.
In large cities such as New York or Los Angeles, you will have access to children’s museums, which are already in themselves a great way to learn and have fun at the same time. In smaller cities, museums may have a specialized children’s program running alongside adults’ workshops or lectures.
Preschool programs that properly stimulate and nurture a young child’s mind will result in better-prepared children by the time they start school.
Everyone should wash their hands in hot, soapy water before and after handling eggs (even if they’ve already been cooked or decorated)! This protects everyone from any bacteria on the egg, and protects the eggshell from any oils on hands that may make the dye not adhere.
The transition to the new childcare setting may go more smoothly if you can take it in small steps. If possible, consider bringing your child in for an hour or two the first time.
Results showed kids were more than twice as likely to re-ask their question after a non-explanation compared with a real answer.
Studies show that kids with active exposure to language have social and educational advantages over their peers — and reading is one of the best exposures to language.
Have positive associations with reading. If feeling tense or your child is resisting, set book aside & returning to it later.
If possible, arrange to observe the teaching in your child’s classroom. Afterward, talk with the teacher about what you saw and how it fits with your hopes for your child and your child’s needs.
Teaching colors may be somewhat more difficult if your toddler is color-blind. 1 in 12 males, and 1 in 1000 females are.
Tell the teacher if you think your child needs special help and about any special family situation that might affect child’s ability to learn.
Encourage your child to repeat what you say or comment on it. Provide models of interesting questions and examples of possible answers like “I wonder what is going to happen next?”
Purchase foreign language cassettes and videos. It is much easier for toddlers to pick up other languages at this age than it will be later on.