Planning out your vacation

Schedule a few relaxing and restful vacation days in between busy, activity-packed vacation days. This is especially helpful after a busy travel day and right before a busy travel day.

Afraid of the weather?

Helping your child understand weather and even enjoy it is the best way to combat this fear. Play outside in various conditions so your child can feel what it’s like when it’s windy or rainy.

Timing your playdates

There’s no sense squeezing in a playdate right before your toddler’s nap. Begin playdates when little one will be well rested…and fed.

Teething choking hazards

When teething, do not give your child frozen bagels, hard vegetables, like carrots or frozen food item. These things are choking hazards and could be very dangerous if a piece breaks off.

Math success

Beginning school with a mastery of early math concepts (awareness of numbers, shapes, patterns, et cetera) is the number-one indicator of future overall academic success.

Diet and health

Your two-year-old’s health is closely tied to how much he eats, what he eats, and how active he is. Obesity and weight-related diseases affect about 20 percent of all children today.

Library cards for kids

Allow your child to have his or her own library card. It costs nothing and opens a lifetime of enjoyment and learning.

Crank up your imagination

For a quick and inexpensive toddler activities, all is need is time and imagination. Use everyday household items to create matching games and encourage imagination play.

Playing on their level

Kids feel emotional closeness when parents get down on their level and play, engage, and ask about their day.

Talking with parents when preschool shopping

When researching preschools talk with parents who are enrolled at the preschool. Find out their concerns, likes and dislikes.

It’s never too soon to start reading to your children

If your child learns early to associate reading with pleasure, she is more likely to enjoy reading on her own when she is older.

Safety for Halloween

Have your kids trick-or-treat in areas where there are a lot of people around. They should also avoid taking short-cuts through alleys and parking lots.

Taking turns when trick-or-treating

When trick or treating have kids wait at the end of the line before you go to the door if there are people there before you. Pushing only results in accidents and spilled treat bags.

Wearing makeup for halloween?

Always test make-up in a small area first. Remove it before bedtime to prevent skin and eye irritation.

Treking for halloween tip

Walking around the neighborhood with a toddler for Halloween? Bring a stroller or wagon. That way if they get tired of walking you have a back up plan that doesn’t involve you carrying them.

Eating before going trick-or-treating

A good meal prior to parties and trick-or-treating will discourage youngsters from filling up on Halloween treats

Halloween safety tip

If your kids are old enough to trick-or-treat without an adult, tell your kids to stay in a group.

Flashlights at Halloween

Consider using a flashlight or glow stick instead of a candle to light your pumpkin.

Manners at Halloween

When trick or treating have kids wait at end of the line before going to door if there are people there before you.

Calories and toddlers

The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) recommends that children age 1 to 3 years get about 40 calories per inch of height a day. Your 32-inch-tall toddler ideally should eat about 1,300 calories a day.