One of the easiest ways to exercise the outdoors is building a snowman. It is physical exercise, helps with perception.
One of the easiest ways to exercise the outdoors is building a snowman. It is physical exercise, helps with perception. Flavored lip balms are too tasty for kids not to lick & can make chapped lips worse! Make sure your child’s gloves and shoes stay dry. If either becomes wet, change into a dry pair. Signs of frostbite are a whitening & waxy look to exposed skin. Go indoors immediately, cover exposed skin with warm blanket, & call doctor Keep your child well protected from the cold, and stay outside for short periods of time. Winter weather and indoor heating can cause itchy, dry eczema to flare up. Give your child short, lukewarm baths or showers, and wash with a mild soap like Dove. Frostbite often attacks toes, tip of the nose and ears. Signs include numb, grey-white or yellowish skin with a waxy feel, blisters. If frostbite is mild, give Advil or Tylenol. Then, gradually warm the area: microwave a wet cloth in a zip-top bag (it shouldn’t be hot to touch — affected skin burns easily). Hold the bag against the area. For more extreme cases, see your doctor. Walk outside. Let your toddler experience firsthand the feelings and sights of winter. Explain how it is cold outside. Emphasize the need for coats, hats, mittens and boots when outside. If there is snow on the ground, touch it and walk in it. Let your toddler feel how snow is different from the ground. Don’t be surprised if your toddler doesn’t like it and wants to go inside. Look for ice outside. Touch the ice and feel how it is cold. Hold some in your hand so your toddler can see it melt. Talk about how the cold turns water into ice. Play in the snow if your toddler likes it. Make snowballs and see how far you can throw them. Make a snowman and dress him. Make snow angels. Many pediatricians feel that bathing 2-3X week is enough for an infant’s first year. More frequent baths may dry out the skin during winter. source Dress older babies & young kids in one more layer of clothing than an adult would wear in the same conditions. source In colder seasons you still need to drink plenty because you don’t sweat as much. Staying hydrated is important at any age. source Toddlers don’t care if noses run & left unwiped, this can lead to freezing, chappy patches on face. Have a handkerchief ready to wipe. source Kids can usually play outside comfortably when it’s 30°F & higher -just layer their clothing & make sure they wear hats and mittens. source Unless outdoors for more than a few mins, consider leaving coat home. Instead, keep a fleece blanket in the car and tuck it around tot. source When stocking up on winter supplies keep an emergency stock of diapers and toddler friendly snacks, drinks and food. source When playing out In the snow put sun screen on child’s face, if it is sunny, the snow will amplify the sun’s rays. source Set the stage for the quickest change possible. Choose two-piece snowsuits to make diaper changes easier. source If your child’s neck feels warm and clammy at night, she is probably too warm and you might want to try dressing her in one less layer source |
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