When your child receives a vaccination, ask the nurse or doctor for a list (usually from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) of reactions or side effects that might occur. Common, mild, and moderate reactions from most vaccines may include swelling, tenderness, fever, headaches, and even crankiness and fatigue.
When getting a shot, kids really DO want to know why immunizations are required, and school-aged children will benefit from learning about childhood illnesses and what vaccines can do.
Some experts suggest applying an anesthetic cream about 20 minutes before a shot, which can help numb the skin. Ask your doctor which brand she recommends.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control’s Advisory Committee on Immunization now recommends "combination vaccines," meaning that an immunization containing more than one vaccine is preferable to giving each vaccine separately.
Your child may develop bruises at the site of a shot. Ice helps reduce the bruising and ease the discomfort.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control’s Advisory Committee on Immunization has added a yearly dose of H1N1 flu vaccine to the schedule for children 6 months and older.
Make sure all shots and vaccinations are ready to be administered at the same time. Do not hold conversation with the doctor or distract them with questions. The faster the shots are given, the better.
Any vaccine can cause side effects. Usually, these side effects are minor — low-grade fever, and soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site.
Despite much controversy on the topic, researchers haven’t found a clear connection between autism and childhood vaccines.
Childhood vaccines offer protection from a variety of serious or potentially fatal diseases.
Know which vaccines your child needs now and which vaccines are coming up with the Mayo Clinic Vaccine schedule.
Do not forewarn your child of shots. This will only cause unnecessary anxiety.
Make sure your child has a primary health provider. A familiar pediatrician or family practitioner, will know your child before your child has an illness, injury, or developmental delay that requires medical attention.
If your toddler won’t take liquid medicine, try chewable pills or easy-to-swallow capsules, if available.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) offers vital records charts for where birth, death, marriage, or divorce occurred.
From: The Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Breast milk reduces the risk of allergies.
From: Mommy Tips.com.
Get the best protection for your child by making sure your child is immunized on schedule with this immunization scheduler from American Academy of Pediatrics.
From: American Academy of Pediatrics
The fact that we don’t see certain diseases anymore doesn’t mean they no longer exist… it simply means the vaccines are working.
From: American Academy of Pediatrics
Immunizations are important to protect your child’s health and safety. Because children are susceptible to many potentially serious diseases, it is important that your child receive the proper immunizations.
Consult your local health care provider to ensure that your child is up-to-date on her childhood immunizations and visit the CDC immunization website to obtain a copy of the recommended immunization schedule.
From: cdc.gov.
Tags: Immunizations
When getting a shot your child may develop bruises at site of a shot. Ice helps reduce the bruising and ease discomfort. Source
Check out this chart of immunizations and possible side effects for tots to 3 years: Immunization schedule.
From: todays-mommy-baby-toddler-guide.com 