Appropriate choices for preschoolers

When parents offer appropriate choices to preschoolers, many power struggles can be avoided.

Don’t try reasoning with a tot

Once that flail or wail or exorcism begins, forget trying to reason with your child to reduce those tantrums. Doing so is like trying to reason with a goldfish. Remember that when those strong emotions kick in the “reasoning” part of their brain tunes out. Just let him wind down.


Ignoring a tantrum isn’t always possible. If it happens in a public place, try to remove your child from the scene. If you can, take her outside to the car and let her scream it out there.

Child and their limits

Know your child’s limits. Your child may misbehave because he or she doesn’t understand or can’t do what you’re asking.

Play with your toddler

Take the time to play and talk with your toddler frequently – the first step to avoiding tantrums is setting up good communication with your child.

Avoiding tantrums

Take the time to play and talk with your toddler frequently – the first step to avoiding tantrums is setting up good communication with your child.

Curb treats for good behavior

Curb the tendency of rewarding your toddler with a treat whenever he/she does well, as this will make him/her develop an unhealthy emotional relationship with food.

anxiety in kids

Although quite common, Anxiety Disorders in children often are overlooked or misjudged, despite them being very treatable conditions with good, persistent medical care.


Is your child being bullied? Reassure your child there is no weakness in leaving the situation, to keep away from the bully.

Tantrums and dessert

When dining out, if you want a dessert but you know your child is on the edge of throwing a temper tantrum because they have been seated for too long, try ordering your dessert to go.

Limiting choices

Give your toddler limited choices. Make them as palatable as possible to the child, but eliminate any options that are unacceptable to you.

Testing limits

Toddlers need to test their limits. A toddler who is being denied something may choose bullying as a way of getting what he wants.

Toddler’s fighting.

Perhaps the only thing worse than seeing another child hit your toddler is seeing your toddler hit another child. Parents know that children won’t always get along, but it can be painful for parents to watch their children fighting-sometimes violently-with their peers.


the magic of car toys

Pick out a few interesting toys and books just for the car. Defuse tantrums by strategically offering a toy or book.

Avoid play group meltdowns

Avoid play group meltdowns by keeping the visits short; no more than two hours at once.From:

Toddler aggressive behavior

Toddlers often resort to aggressive behavior when they feel insecure. He may hit out at other children because he’s angry and wants to get your attention. Pick him up and cuddle him when visitors arrive or reassure him by sitting near him and making lots of physical contact.

Tired toddlers are not patient

Tired toddlers are not patient and this can make for a very frustrating shopping experience. Be sure that you are not planning your grocery shopping during your toddler’s normal naptime. It is best to go after your toddler has had a nap and had a chance to wake up for a few minutes.From:

label feelings

Acknowledge feelings & label them. When children can express feelings verbally and feel ‘heard’, they are less likely to lash out physically. source


You want a surefire way to make sure your kids never listen to you? Threaten but don’t act. source

Tantrum help

Don’t let your child feel either rewarded or punished for a tantrum. You want her to see that tantrums change nothing source