Kids with good teeth grow up to be adults with good teeth. If you teach your children how to brush and floss and take them to the dentist twice a year, they’ll have strong, healthy teeth.
Kids with good teeth grow up to be adults with good teeth. If you teach your children how to brush and floss and take them to the dentist twice a year, they’ll have strong, healthy teeth. Sippy cups filled with milk, juice or juice drinks, allow sugar to stay in the mouth longer and increase the risk of tooth decay. source If you’re worried that toddler’s teeth aren’t getting properly cleaned let him do the morning brushing while you handle the evening source Toddlers usually have their full set of 20 baby teeth by the time they’re three source Once your child’s first four teeth come in, he can bite small, chokable pieces off of anything source Health habits from birth last a lifetime. Even before teeth erupt, baby’s gums should be wiped w/ moistened washcloth Source Only let your child go to sleep with a bottle filled with water. Formula, milk or juice can cause baby bottle tooth decay. Source Schedule dental appointments early in the day, but avoid naptime. Source At the first visit the dentist will show you the right way to care for your child’s teeth by showing you brushing techniques. more info Teeth generally appear one at a time over a period of months, and often — but not always — in this order: First the bottom two middle teeth, then the top two middle ones, then the ones along the sides and back. |
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