Slow down

Try to slow down when you can and really talk to your little one during those routines that you often don’t even think about source

Keeping it even

The more consistent and predictable things are, the more resilient and agreeable a toddler is likely to be. source

Handling Tantrums

Once tots begin to flail or wail forget trying to reason with your child to reduce tantrums. Doing so is like trying to reason with a goldfish. source

Setting goals

The ability to decide what to do & how to do it, & then to carry out his plans, is a huge leap in a child’s cognitive development source


Kids who receive a lot of empathy for their own feelings from adults are the earliest to develop empathy for others source

Prioritize No

If you say no 20X a day, it will lose its effectiveness. Prioritize behaviors into LG, MED & those too insignificant to bother with. source


Bribing your child will just encourage them to extort more treats from you every time you want them to do something. source

When toddler loses it

When your toddler loses it, it can be a terrible, nasty experience, but temper tantrums are a fact of childhood Source


Help your child by modeling what it is you want to hear, like I can’t understand you when you use a whining voice”. Source

emotional maturity

Toddlers are active and can get into a whole lot of trouble, fast… yet they’re still so immature emotionally. That’s why tantrums are so common at this age.


Limiting playdate interaction

Interacting with just one other child is a big deal for a toddler – inviting more than that may make it impossible for them all to have a good time.
From: All Good

Independence and toddler development

Showing independence is part of normal toddler development and this often includes refusing to eat foods to see what will happen.
From: Better Health Channel

Avoid raising a bully

Think your child is a bully? Make firm rules that any nasty, mean or unkind remarks will not be tolerated.

From: Raising

Being non-judgemental

Practice and hone your skills at being non-judgmental.

Start labeling feelings and avoid name-calling. Say, "he seems angry," rather than, "what a jerk." When your kids are whiny or crying, saying things like, "you seem sad," will always be better than just asking them to stop.

Depriving kids of the feelings they’re experiencing will only drive them underground and make them stronger.


Timing of playdates

Don’t agree to a play date at the time of day when your toddler is usually cranky or overtired, at nap time or just before meals.

Ideally toddlers should be well fed and rested beforehand.

From: All Good

How to model emotional intelligence

Model emotional intelligence. Your kids are watching very closely. They see how you respond to frustration, they see how resilient you are, and they see whether you’re aware of your own feelings, and the feelings of others.


Keep to a regular routine

Regular routines help kids feel safe, and are vital for preschoolers, who grapple with big fears on a daily basis.


Sharing and playdates

Playdates can be a drag when kids haven’t mastered the art of sharing. When it’s your turn to host, go through your kid’s toys beforehand, asking her to pick a few special things she’d prefer not to share.
From: Parents

Shy Kids

Being shy can also be a normal personality variation. It is best to not push your child. Instead let him slowly adjust to new people and new situations.
From: Opens in new window

Cut down on the warnings

If the child knows the rules, impose the promised consequences immediately. If you make a habit of giving six preliminary warnings your child will learn to start responding only the eighth or ninth time you ask.

From: Opens in new window