I Don’t Want to Go To School! is the perfect little book for the youngster in your life who is just starting school.
From: Lil’ Fingers Storybooks and Games
Tags: backtoschool, books
I Don’t Want to Go To School! is the perfect little book for the youngster in your life who is just starting school. From: Lil’ Fingers Storybooks and Games Tags: backtoschool, books Make sure that one adult waits at the bus stop where young children are waiting for the bus to arrive. You could coordinate this with other parents for safety of the kids. The single most important thing your child can do to prevent illness is to wash his or her hands thoroughly and frequently. Between 4-6 most baby may begin to show more interest in books. He will grab & hold books, but will mouth, chew, and drop them as well. Point out the positive aspects of starting school: It will be fun. She’ll see old friends and meet new ones. Refresh her positive memories about previous years, when she may have returned home after the first day with high spirits because she had a good time. When waiting for the bus teach him to wait in a line when the bus is arriving, and not to run directly into the path of the bus in his hurry to catch it. At times the drivers too are helpless and there is only so much they can do to prevent an accident. Become familiar with the school bus driver and the transportation company that is contracted by the school to transport your child. Provide all of these individuals your telephone number and walk with your childĀ to the bus. One strategy when you find a great deal on basic supplies such as paper, pencils, crayons, binders, etc, is to stock up with at least three of each item. The kids are well-stocked for the first day of school, and you can restock at least twice later in the school year. When your toddler waits for the bus, teach him to avoid roughhousing behavior. Teach him to be wary of the traffic on the busy roads, and on how to stay away from the traffic and how to stand quietly and safely while waiting. Establish a homework routine. Decide with your child on a time each night to do homework and stick to it. Kids like knowing when things will happen, rather than being caught off guard. Take an afternoon and assess each child’s clothing needs. Empty drawers and closets of outgrown or worn-out clothing, and either store or donate the discards. Working with your child, clean and organize clothing storage before new garments are added–and cut down on school morning calls of "Mom! I don’t have any clean…" Remind your child that she is not the only student who is a bit uneasy about the first day of school. Teachers know that students are anxious and will make an extra effort to make sure everyone feels as comfortable as possible. Join the PTA or other parent groups. As a group, participate in school events and see how you can help the school reach its goals. Faced with the unknown, an inventive kid’s imagination goes into overdrive. So explore the new school as much as you can. Show him where he’ll enter, and check out the playground. During the last two weeks of summer, re-introduce a school year bedtime. Begin waking late sleepers earlier and earlier, closer to the hour they’ll need to rise when school begins. While daycare center rates are important, check for hidden fees which will add up during the year. Being late to pick up your toddler will incur some hefty overage charges! Shopping for new school clothes is a great opportunity to review clothing items with preschool age children. (i.e.: This is a scarf…). Attachable reminders are fabulous for little kids who forget everything, & older kids can attach them to their backpacks as self-reminders. Being involved in child’s education is extremely important for all kids, especially for kids with speech, language or learning difficulties Get Papers in order for back to school. While you’re calling the school, ask what paperwork your child will need to start. Take care of any missing vaccinations or forms ASAP, then gather all the papers in a large, clearly marked envelope or file and photocopy everything. |
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