The first step to toddler discipline is to establish boundaries. Your child needs to know what is and what is not acceptable.
The first step to toddler discipline is to establish boundaries. Your child needs to know what is and what is not acceptable. Play crawling ‘tag’. It can be great fun for babies who are learning to locomotive. Toddlers love to explore and learn new things. You can read books to the child, color with crayons, do simple puzzles or play with learning toys. There is a reason that little kids get lollypops after a trip to the beauty salon. It’s bribery. The good kind of bribery that gets little boys and girls to behave and do as they are supposed to.
Allow older toddlers to begin exploring writing instruments (pens, markers and crayons). Provide them with other toys and activities (e.g., pouring water) that develop the hand-eye coordination and fine motor skill necessary for writing. From Tags: writing, toddler, motor skills Offer age-appropriate toys and games. Start with something simple before moving on to more challenging tasks. When you arrive at your destination whether it be a hotel, time share, condo or grandma’s you need to immediately start toddler proofing their new environment. Start by getting down on their level so you can see what temptations are around that they may try to get into. From: To manage diarrhea: BRAT: Banana, Rice, Applesauce, Toast, Yogurt. Is your child being bullied? Reassure your child there is no weakness in leaving the situation, to keep away from the bully. Select books that appeal to infants and toddlers. Look for bright colors, sharp contrasts between the picture and the page, rhythmic writing, and plots that are simple but engaging. Hold your child accountable for her own messes. Do it kindly, do it supportively, but do it, even when it’s easier to do it yourself. Rein in your own impatience. That doesn’t mean abandoning him to it. Stand by, smiling, ready to be helpful in whatever way actually helps your toddler. The best thing you can do when trying to improve hand-eye coordination with your child is to let your child play with the toys on her own. You may feel the urge to show your child how it works. But part of the fun with hand-eye toys is figuring out how they fit together and work. After mealtime while your child is still in the high chair – give them a warm washcloth to play with and you’ll be amazed at how much they will have cleaned themselves up after about 10 minutes of playing with it! Your empathy and acceptance helps your child accept her emotions. Kids develop a sense of self-worth early in life. Listen to what your children have to say. Assure them that they are loved and safe. Celebrate their individuality, and tell them what makes them special and what you admire about them. How you treat your child is how she will learn to treat herself. If you’re harsh with her, she’ll be harsh with herself. Place safety latches on all doors and cabinets, especially where cleaning products and medicines are located. If you have a long wait between flights, check the airport website to see if there is a play area at the airport. You’d be surprised how many have a place for kids to get their ya-yas out. Never leave your toddler near or around water (that is, bathtubs, pools, ponds, lakes, whirlpools, or the ocean) without someone watching her. |
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