Toddler airport safety tip.

Carry a current photo of each child you are traveling with. If separated you can immediately hand the photo to airport security (or theme park or mall) and they will photocopy it and circulate it very quickly.

Time to leave the crib

Once your child is able to climb out of his crib (and you have already lowered the mattress and removed the bumper pads), it is time to move him into a toddler bed.


Supervision in the tub

Never, ever leave your toddler unsupervised in the even for a minute. Children can drown in less than an inch of water. Gather all of the supplies (soap, towel, etc.) you’ll need ahead of time.


Dog breeds and chidren

Be cautious of certain dog breeds (Rottweilers, pit bulls, German Shepards) that account for over fifty percent of fatal dog bites and closely supervise children when in the presence of animals.


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Chapped lip tip

Flavored lip balms are too tasty for kids not to lick & can make chapped lips worse!

hand-me-down equipment safety tip

Make sure that used or hand-me-down equipment, such as car seats, strollers and cribs haven’t been recalled for safety reasons.

Safety tip for traveling with toddlers

When traveling consider “labeling” your toddler with an ID bracelet. Include your child’s name, your name, destination & home address/phone


Place childproof covers on door knobs to make sure that your toddler can’t get out of the house or into rooms that aren’t childproofed.

Furniture safety tip

Use wall anchors to keep large appliances and furniture from tipping over if your child climbs on them.

Holiday tree safety tip

Prevent tree accidents, screw a hook into a wall stud and secure the hook with fishing line or sturdy string to your Christmas tree

Keep kids out of the kitchen

Lock the kitchen door, or use a safety gate to prevent children going into the kitchen especially when no one is around.

Pillow safety

A toddler pillow is one that’s the right size for child of 2yrs+. Prior to age 2, any pillow is considered dangerous & is not recommended

Practice safety in the kitchen

Practice safety in the kitchen. Remove all small magnets from the refrigerator; small items can easily be lodged in a toddler’s throat

Pumpkin carving tips

Small children should never carve pumpkins. Children can draw a face with markers.  Then parents can do the cutting.

Halloween Vehicle Safety Tip

During Halloween, turn on your vehicle’s headlights, even during the day. They make you more visible.

Cold weather tip.

Keep your child well protected from the cold, and stay outside for short periods of time.

Child seat tip

Many companies offer thick car seat covers that act like a bunting for babies in the winter.

Parents should avoid buying any car seat cover or infant bunting that threads through the harness straps of their child’s car seat. Often the packaging of these covers states that the product meets all federal car seat safety guidelines. However, there are no federal guidelines governing after-market car seat accessories.

Safety Tip.

Secure standing fans, bookcases, lamps and any other appliance that is within the reach of the toddler. Secure anything that will fall if your toddler holds it for support.

Waiting for the bus

When waiting for the bus teach him to wait in a line when the bus is arriving, and not to run directly into the path of the bus in his hurry to catch it. At times the drivers too are helpless and there is only so much they can do to prevent an accident.

Bus safety tip

When your toddler waits for the bus, teach him to avoid roughhousing behavior. Teach him to be wary of the traffic on the busy roads, and on how to stay away from the traffic and how to stand quietly and safely while waiting.