Many parents find it difficult to deal when your toddler is sick and also maintain regular household duties. Let the chores go for a time. Your house will be fine and the rest of your family will survive.
Many parents find it difficult to deal when your toddler is sick and also maintain regular household duties. Let the chores go for a time. Your house will be fine and the rest of your family will survive. The tendency to develop allergies is often hereditary. However, just because you or your partner might have allergies doesn’t mean that all of your kids will definitely get them. Dust mites are one of the most common causes of allergies. These microscopic insects live all around us and feed on the millions of dead skin cells that fall off our bodies every day. Do not forewarn your child of shots. This will only cause unnecessary anxiety. Children in large groups are breeding grounds for the organisms that cause illness. The top 5 causes for missed school are colds, stomach flu, ear infection, pink eye and sore throat. If your toddler is sick with cold, try applying a balm or petroleum jelly around the nostrils to provide relief and reduce irritation. From: Saline nose drops or spray provides immediate relief for a stuffy nose. They moisten membranes making it easier for your child to either blow their nose on their own. Don’t call multivitamins candy – this will have your toddler begging for more. The multi’s cartoon-character shapes are tempting enough without being told they’re a treat. Don’t be tempted to push your doctor for antibiotics to treat the cold. Antibiotics won’t help and the overuse can cause resistance in the future. Vomiting and diarrhea are common in toddlers because they tend to put everything (including fingers) in their mouths. Repeated cold-like symptoms that last 1-2 weeks, the same time every year, including a runny nose, nasal stuffiness, sneezing, throat clearing, and itchy, watery eyes may be the signs of allergies. The single most important thing your child can do to prevent illness is to wash his or her hands thoroughly and frequently. Make sure your child has a primary health provider. A familiar pediatrician or family practitioner, will know your child before your child has an illness, injury, or developmental delay that requires medical attention. Soaps, shampoos, and bubble baths can dry your child’s skin and may cause rashes, so use them sparingly. They may also be irritating to the urethra, which in turn might increase the risk of urinary tract infections. To avoid having your toddler sit too long in potentially irritating soap-filled water, have playtime at the beginning of the bath, and save the soap and shampoo for the end. From: If available, choose a favorite or fun flavor for your toddler’s medicine, such as cherry, grape, or bubble gum. If appropriate, request the flavor when your doctor writes the prescription. From 365 Toddler Tips. For children, who don’t care for milk, add a few drops of food coloring and serve with straws. Research shows that babies who are held or carried more (both during the colic spells & other times) are less susceptible to colic. Get the best protection for your child by making sure your child is immunized on schedule with this immunization scheduler from American Academy of Pediatrics. Battle down the allergens. Vacuum at least 2X a week & invest in a vacuum with a HEPA air purifying filte and allergen filtration system. ADHD is a medical condition linked to chemical imbalance in the brain, officially recognized by medical experts incl. the Surgeon General |
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