Look for the Energy Star on appliances and consider the annual energy cost before buying. More efficient appliances cost more, but you make up the extra cost over time.
Look for the Energy Star on appliances and consider the annual energy cost before buying. More efficient appliances cost more, but you make up the extra cost over time. Compact fluorescent bulb uses about 75% less electricity, but the most energy-saving bulb of all is one that’s turned off It is important to explain to your kids what Earth Day represents, and what you do as a family; not just one day, but every day to help the environment. Some examples include… Plant a tree in your yard. Recycle as much as you can. When not at home, keep lights off. Conserve water by not leaving water on when brushing teeth and limiting time in the shower. Kids have to love the world to want to protect it. So take nature walks and look at the trees, flowers and sky. When you’re away on vacation, don’t forget to enjoy the local natural environment, not just the tourist sites. There are dozens of small things your kids can do every day to save energy and keep the world cleaner and greener. Your kids can… walk, ride a bike or take the bus instead of traveling by car. Take faster showers or baths in just a small amount of water. Help hang clothes on the line instead of putting them in the dryer. |
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