When weaning, encourage replacement drinks if your child is looking for a breastfeeding and even allow your child to help pour them in order to show that he/ she is getting bigger and to encourage independence.
From: babycenter.com
When weaning, encourage replacement drinks if your child is looking for a breastfeeding and even allow your child to help pour them in order to show that he/ she is getting bigger and to encourage independence. From: babycenter.com Breastfeeding a toddler is not the same as breastfeeding a newborn. Toddlers are masters of the art of breastfeeding, and may take as much milk in 2 minutes as they did in an hour a year before. Gradually cutting back the number of times you breastfeed during the day is a good weaning method. Not only did a slow approach help stave off the breast engorgement and depression that can accompany early or abrupt weaning, but it made the transition to a bottle or cup an easy one. If toddler is still breastfeeding then try to continue this as long as you both wish, as there are so many health benefits for both of you. Do not heat breast milk in a microwave; it will destroy the immunizing properties. Though they tend to have rounder more developed cheek muscles developed from sucking, breast fed infants gain weight at a slower rate than bottle fed infants especially after 6 months of age. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises breast milk or formula through 12 mos. (USDA guidelines require breast milk/formula through 7 mos.) You may like to replace breast milk or formula milk with whole milk, when the child is one year old. Low fat or skim milk is not good for children as they need fat for growth. Many mothers find it is helpful is to use a baby sling when your baby needs to nurse in public. These terrific slings, sold under several brand names, are worn over only one shoulder, are easily adjustable. Breastfeeding lessens the chances of getting Crohn’s Disease, Diabetes, Ulcerative Colitis, and Celiac Disease. Space for infant feeding should be away from the main activity, protected from interruptions and comfortable for adults as well as babies. Sippy cups help a toddler make the transition from nursing or a bottle to drinking from a glass more easily, but most toddlers don’t need them too long. With a little help from you, she can quickly drink independently from a glass. From: pantagraph.com The typical toddler will likely get 16-24 ounces of whole cow’s milk each day, although this isn’t necessary if your toddler is still nursing 2-3 times a day. From: About.com: Pediatrics |
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