Diabetes and kidney problems, as well as allergies can coincide with bed wetting behavior, so check with a doctor if bed wetting persists.
Diabetes and kidney problems, as well as allergies can coincide with bed wetting behavior, so check with a doctor if bed wetting persists. Bed-wetting is much more common in boys (7-10 kids who wet beds are male). By about age 5-6, 85% to 90% of youngsters stop bed-wetting on their own. Instead of sending your child off to sleep with a bladder full of water or juice, just cut off the fluids a couple of hours ahead of bedtime. And make sure she potties right before she snuggles in for the night. This way you’re increasing her chances for a dry night. It’s very common for toilet-trained 2-year-olds to still wet their bed at night. Occasional nighttime wetting — sometimes as often as twice a week — is perfectly normal at least six months to a year after successful daytime toilet training is completed. Reduce those late-night sheet changes during potty training by layering the bed with a regular sheet, a plastic sheet, and a regular sheet. This way all you have to do is remove a layer of the regular and plastic sheets, allowing everyone can get back to sleep quickly. Bedwetting is an issue that millions of families face every night. It is extremely common among kids who are under the age of 6, and it can last into the preteen years. Bedwetting usually goes away on its own. But it’s important that you provide support and positive reinforcement during this process. |
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