Co-sleeping safety tip

When co-sleeping make sure your mattress fits snugly in the bed frame so that your baby won’t become trapped in between the frame and the mattress.

Keep trips short and sweet

Staying inside all day is a bad, bad idea with this age group and will make time slow until it more or less screeches to a halt. On the other hand, too many parents plan outings without regard for the constrained attention span of a toddler.

Learning to behave with others

How you treat your child is how she will learn to treat herself. If you’re harsh with her, she’ll be harsh with herself.

Spreading out your activities

Spread your activities and events over several days and weeks. Toddlers learn best in small amounts and through repetition.

Organization in the family

Organization is one dimension of family health. Without enough of it, families suffer the consequences of a chaotic environment.

Acquiring new skills

Toddlers have a greater ability to acquire new skills and information than children who are 5, 6, or 7 years old.

Research indicates that introducing reading, language, and math skills in the toddler years may make school success come more easily to your child for years to come.

Milk for babies, toddlers and kids

Breast milk has all the appropriate vitamins and minerals for babies. Best choice of milk for children after age 1 is ‘whole milk.’ It is recommended to switch to low-fat milk after age 2 or 3.

Sooting a biter

Tips to consider if your child is a biter include providing teething rings, teething biscuits or cold washcloths for children who are teething and do not, under any circumstances, bite your child back.

Get to the Core of Your Toddler’s Anger

If your toddler bites in anger, ask yourself what might be causing this change of mood in your toddler. Have there been any changes in your toddler’s life lately? Is your toddler reacting in anger?

If your toddler hasn’t been socialized with his children his age, this could be another cause of anger.

Home safety tip

Place safety latches on all doors and cabinets, especially where cleaning products and medicines are located.

Traveling with a toddler

If you have a long wait between flights, check the airport website to see if there is a play area at the airport. You’d be surprised how many have a place for kids to get their ya-yas out.

Minor burns

For minor burns, run cold water over the affected area for a minimum of 10 minutes or until the pain eases.

How to explain to a toddler

Babies and young children won’t understand lengthy explanations. Present one idea to make your point.

Water and toddlers don’t mix

Never leave your toddler near or around water (that is, bathtubs, pools, ponds, lakes, whirlpools, or the ocean) without someone watching her.

Discipline and toddlers

Kids raised with authoritarian discipline have tendencies toward anger and depression.

Conflict resolution

Conflict resolution at home actually lays the groundwork for tougher situations later in life such as dating, drinking, drugs, or smoking. Practicing conflict resolution at home also helps kids develop strategies to solve tougher problems when not at home.

Emotional attachment to food

Toddlers develop an emotional attachment to food. Do not overfeed your toddler with snackfoods and other unhealthy foods. This will help develop good eating habits for life.

Carry on baggage for toddlers

Baby formula and breast milk are allowed in carry-on baggage, but must also be declared. Passengers can take these items through the security check-points and aboard the plane as long as they are traveling with a baby or toddler.

Childproofing survey

Do a “childproofing” survey of your home. A child’s-eye view home survey should systematically go from room to room, removing all the “booby traps” that await the curious toddler or preschooler. Think of poisons, small objects, electrical outlets, sharp edges, knives and firearms, and places to fall.

Swapping out toys

Toddlers get bored of seeing the same old toys every morning. Stash a group of toys in a closet, attic, or basement so that every eight weeks or so, you can replace the been-there-done-that toys with some “new” toys, toys from your very own store.