First haircut

If the first haircut is a ceremonial occasion in your family, make sure to have someone there to take some video footage or at least snap some cute “Before” and “After” shots.

Bathing young children

Some parents choose to bathe little ones every day at this point, but unless your toddler has spent the day getting messy, sweaty, or dirty, a daily bath isn’t really necessary. A full bath should be given at least twice a week.

Food Allergies in young children

According to figures released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2011, based on the agency’s National Health Interview Survey, 4.5 percent of children younger than 18 years of age have a food allergy.

Non-verbal connection

In a non-verbal child, try working on animal noises, rather than words. Many children with autism have an affinity for animals, and this can build an emotional connection.

Tooth decay danger

Early childhood decay is usually caused when babies are put to sleep with a bottle filled with milk, formula, juice, or other drinks that contain sugar, even natural sugars.

60 minutes of activity

Schedule at least 60 minutes daily for active free play. Toddlers need more than an hour of unstructured physical play in a safe place every day.

A special Valentine’s dinner

Have a special celebration on Valentine’s Day by having banana splits for dinner! Make sure to have anything a person could desire for toppings and make the meal extra special for the kids.

Creating silhouettes for Valentines Day

Silhouettes are a very personal thing as no two are identical, so toddlers will love creating this unique card for their loved ones on Valentine’s Day.

Teaching colors and shaped for Valentine’s Day

Toddler activities for Valentine’s Day naturally lends itself to reinforcing the color red, understanding that there are different shades of red and teaching the heart shape.

Scrapbooking for Valentines

Valentine’s Day brings the traditional hearts and flowers. If you will be scrapbooking your Valentine’s Day, plan ahead, keep in the back of your mind all the scrapbooking possibilities that come with the gifts you receive.

Valentines treat

Toddlers love balloons and there is no exception to the big balloons that can be purchased nearly anywhere that are already pre-filled with helium. For under $5 you can pick up a Happy Valentine’s balloon that features the toddlers favorite

Using stickers for Valentines cards

Young children can create a variety of valentine crafts with red, white and pink materials within the short attention span toddlers have for making things.

Peel-and-stick foam stickers, red markers, valentine-themed paper and other decorative embellishments can be handled fairly well by little hands with adult assistance.

Speaking clearly

Speaking clearly is difficult for a young child. There are nearly 100 different muscles in the vocal tract that need to be coordinated.

Playing Outdoors

Playing outdoors gives child the opportunity to experience the natural world. Make it a habit to go for a walk, talk about things you see on your way – birds, trees, leaves, sky and other kids playing in the park.

7-9 month Milestone

From ages 7 to 9 months most babies can roll over in both directions — even in their sleep.

Vitamin D from Eggs

Eggs are packed with protein and vitamin D. They help in building muscles and provide calcium to the body. So an egg a day will complete your kid’s diet requirement.

Tasty Rx

If your child falls and cuts his or her lip, use something cold, such as a Popsicle. Your child will be excited about a treat, and it will reduce swelling at the same time.

Set up for success

When you decide it’s time to begin potty training, set your child up for success. Start by maintaining a sense of humor and a positive attitude.

Activity: Playtime

Be the producer not the director of his play. A parent’s job is to provide some fun objects, materials, or toys to invite a child’s imagination to take off, not to lead the play.

Tracking toddler calories

Toddlers only need about 1,300 calories each day. If you add up what they normally eat and drink each day, you can see where those calories can quickly come from.