Once your child’s teeth begin erupting, you can begin cleaning them by wiping them with a moist washcloth. As your child gets more teeth, you can begin to use a soft child’s toothbrush.
Once your child’s teeth begin erupting, you can begin cleaning them by wiping them with a moist washcloth. As your child gets more teeth, you can begin to use a soft child’s toothbrush. There are dozens on the market and children can select their favorite colors or characters. They are actually more effective than standard toothbrushes and children love using them. Tags: brushing teeth Be a good role model. Let your toddler watch you brush and floss your teeth regularly and properly. Brush your teeth side by side while modeling and explaining proper tooth brushing techniques. From: planningfamily.com. Your toddler will need her teeth cleaned at least twice a day. After breakfast and after her evening meal are ideal times because cavities form when the naturally occurring bacteria in her mouth combine with sugars in the food residues left on her teeth, producing an acid that attacks her tooth enamel. From: johnsonsbaby.com. Tags: teeth, baby, brushing teeth Did you know that cheese, as an in-between snack, helps minimize tooth decay? Besides being a healthier choice for kids than sweets, cheese cleanses the teeth. From: doodledudsdepot.com Let your child hold the brush first, and to let them "brush" their teeth themselves. Then, tell your child, "Okay, now it’s Mommy’s or Daddy’s turn to try." From: iVillage.com The most important teeth to floss in a child are the back teeth. From: iVillage.com The American Academy of Pediatrics and most pediatric dentists say it’s a good idea to bring your child to a dentist around the time he turns 1. From: BabyCenter.com If your child is sick, toothpaste should be placed on the brush via a cotton swab or a clean finger to avoid contaminating the toothpaste tube. From: knowyourteeth.com |
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