Signs of frostbite

Signs of frostbite are a whitening & waxy look to exposed skin. Go indoors immediately, cover exposed skin with warm blanket, & call doctor

Be aware of frostbite in winter

Winter weather and indoor heating can cause itchy, dry eczema to flare up. Give your child short, lukewarm baths or showers, and wash with a mild soap like Dove.

Frostbite often attacks toes, tip of the nose and ears. Signs include numb, grey-white or yellowish skin with a waxy feel, blisters. If frostbite is mild, give Advil or Tylenol. Then, gradually warm the area: microwave a wet cloth in a zip-top bag (it shouldn’t be hot to touch — affected skin burns easily). Hold the bag against the area. For more extreme cases, see your doctor.