When to start on solid foods

In nearly all healthy children, the recommended age to start solid foods is 4-6 mos. Baby’s motor skills and stage of development will also help determine when he is ready.

Language and Babies

By the time babies reach their first birthday they will have learned all the sounds needed to speak their native language.

When to start on solid foods

The recommended age to start solid foods is 4 to 6 mos. Your baby’s motor skills and stage of development will also help determine when he or she is ready.

baby food after opening

Opened baby food containers should be covered and stored in a refrigerator for not more than two days.

Baby’s first Thanksgiving dinner

For baby’s First Turkey Dinner, run a bit of turkey & sweet potatoes through a food mill. Blend with applesauce for the desired consistency

Babies grow quickly

Babies grow at a lightning pace –  3 inches (8 centimeters) or so every 3 months. A toddler, in contrast, grows at a much slower rate – only 3-5 inches (8-13 centimeters) in an entire year.

Making sure baby is comfortable.

How can you tell if your sleeping baby is getting overheated? She may feel very warm behind her neck, her hair may be damp from sweat or her cheeks may become quite red.

A tremendous amount of heat is lost when we sweat and your baby is no exception. Monitor your baby’s temperature closely, unzip their bunting and remove their hat when you put them in the car or go into a warm shop, and bring an extra set of cloths just in case they get sweaty.

Food clean up tip

After mealtime while your child is still in the high chair – give them a warm washcloth to play with and you’ll be amazed at how much they will have cleaned themselves up after about 10 minutes of playing with it!

Mobile infants are changing each day.

Mobile infants are changing each day. As their rapidly increasing motor skills lead them into new areas, adults must anticipate new hazards, being alert to the fact that they can move faster, climb higher, and reach things they could not reach only a few days before.From: Early Childhood Resource Institute

First year food

Food for the first year is not important nutritionally because they are drinking breastmilk and/or formula. The first year is really just an introduction to food, and letting them get acclimated to eating solids.

Talk with your baby

Talk with your baby – all day long. Describe the weather or which apples you are choosing at the grocery. Talk about the pictures in a book or things you see on a walk. Ask questions. By listening, your child learns words, ideas, and how language works.

From: readingrockets.org Opens in new window

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Tired of loosing baby shoes?

Take some return address labels, stick them on the soles, and cover with clear packing tape.

From: parenthacks.com Opens in new window

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Newborns and vision

Newborns can see only very sharp images in bright colors that are within 6 to 8 inches of their head. They cannot look around and their heads are wobbly as the muscles of their necks are still not strong enough to hold their head properly.

From: iloveindia.com.

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Fine motor skills tip

Improve baby’s fine motor skills between ages 9-12 months, play "give and take" to encourage your baby to release objects voluntarily.

From: tinylove.com.

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First Haircut

If the first haircut is a ceremonial occasion in your family, make sure to have someone there to take some video footage or at least snap some cute "Before" and "After" shots. Also, remember to keep a little hair sample for posterity, too.

From: diylife.com.

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Cleaning schedule for baby’s teeth

Your toddler will need her teeth cleaned at least twice a day. After breakfast and after her evening meal are ideal times because cavities form when the naturally occurring bacteria in her mouth combine with sugars in the food residues left on her teeth, producing an acid that attacks her tooth enamel.

From: johnsonsbaby.com.

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Tub temperature

Make bath water comfortably warm (90 to 100 degrees F). Babies and toddlers generally prefer a much cooler tub than you probably do.

From: babycenter.com.

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Quick change artist

Dress baby for quick &easy diaper changes. Try a onesie with leggings, it gives quick access to diaper without removing clothes more info


Research shows that infants who are swaddled wake up less and sleep longer than other babies. more info

Stories about babies

Pepare your tot for the new baby, tell stories about what he was like as a newborn and how you took care of him.