When tantrums occur

Children are more likely to have tantrums when they are bored, tired, hungry, unwell or overwhelmed by events.

A child’s routine

During holidays, travel and guests can be expected to disrupt a child’s routine and make them more irritable.

No is the word

When a toddlers favorite word is “NO” it is important for parents not to fall into a pattern of negative behavior with yelling, spanking, and threatening of their own.

time-outs as punishment

Time out is one of the most common toddler discipline method. Keep the time brief around one minute per year of age.

Ask your child’s opinion

Ask for your child’s opinion on things!   This helps them realize that what they say matters.

Celebrate Success

Every time your toddler succeeded in using the potty, celebrate and make him / her feel good about the achievement. The child will feel encouraged to ‘repeat’ the performance.

Sharing is learned

Sharing is not something that is innate in a child and they will only learn it through your constant observation and guidance.

Ideals on discipline

If you and your spouse differ on parenting ideas or discipline, talk about it separately from the child. Present a unified front.

Don’t sweat the small stuff

Children will be more compliant on the majors if they feel a sense of power as well on some of the minor issues.

Keeping the kids happy

Smile. Nothing sends your kids the signal to start wailing in a store like Mom or Dad in a bad mood. 

Top 10 tips for bringing up a very active toddler

Top 10 tips for surviving and bringing up an incredibly active toddler, including gems like employing pets and avoiding sweets. http://hubpages.com/hub/Top-ten-tips-for-bringing-up-a-very-active-toddler

Toddlers and paying attention

Though it may be hard to believe, toddlers are not purposefully disobeying to get you mad. They have a very short memory & are highly impulsive.

Keep an eye on your child to avoid tantrums

Maintain eye contact. By looking into your child’s face every now and then, you help them avoid the hysteria that is sure to ensue when they realize you really are temporarily more concerned with which cereal to buy than your little sunshine. 

Disciplining through redirection

Redirection is a wonderful technique when it comes to toddler discipline. If your toddler is about to do something wrong, or is throwing a fit, simply try to redirect them to something else.

Estabishing boundries

The first step to toddler discipline is to establish boundaries. Your child needs to know what is and what is not acceptable.

If your child is a bully

If your child is being a bully at school, you have a responsibility to teach him or her that the bad behavior that will not be tolerated.

Tantrums, red alert?

Tantrums usually aren’t cause for concern and generally diminish on their own. As kids mature developmentally and their grasp of themselves and the world increases, their frustration levels decrease. Less frustration and more control mean fewer tantrums – and happier parents.


Bribery and children

There is a reason that little kids get lollypops after a trip to the beauty salon. It’s bribery. The good kind of bribery that gets little boys and girls to behave and do as they are supposed to.


Empathize, Empathize, Empathize.

Kids who receive a lot of empathy for their own feelings from the adults in their lives are the earliest to develop empathy for others, and research has shown that empathy for others is the cornerstone of successful interpersonal relationships.

From parentingbookmark.com.

About temper tantrums

Temper tantrums range from whining and crying to screaming, kicking, hitting, and breath holding. They’re equally common in boys and girls and usually occur from age 1 to age 3. Kids’ temperaments vary dramatically – so some kids may experience regular tantrums, whereas others have them rarely.

From kidshealth.org.