Diagnosing ADHD

It is difficult to diagnose ADHD in children under 5. This is because many preschool children have some ADHD symptoms in various situations.

Combatting Alergies

Mold grows quickly in the refrigerator, so be sure to clean it frequently with bleach, and throw away old food.
From: Mommy Tips.com

Growth slows in year 2

Growth slows down in the second year. This means toddlers often have small appetites and need less food. The amount eaten from day-to-day can change dramatically. Although this sometimes worries parents, this change is normal and doesn’t mean your child is being difficult or is unwell. From: Better Health Channel

What’s in a cold?

A cold is a virus that must run its course. Over-the-counter medications, approved by your child’s physician, may help with some symptoms, but the cold will generally stick around for 7-10 days.

From: parenting.org.

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Building immunity

Do what you can to boost your toddler’s immunity naturally. Offer your child a variety of healthy foods so he gets the nutrients he needs. source

Daycare policies

Check daycare center’s policy on keeping sick kids away from healthy ones. Many facilities require a child with a fever to stay home. source

Avoiding germs

Remind toddler not to touch his eyes or rub his nose. Instead, begin teaching him to use a tissue – or at least a clean sleeve source

Straw cups

Drinking from a cup with a straw can help improve your child’s oral motor skills source

Washing hands

Regular hand washing is the simplest, most effective way to get rid of cold & flu bugs. Wash after potty, before meals, & after daycare source

Choking on medicines

Make sure your child is standing or sitting at least a 45-degree angle when taking medicine. This reduces the risk of choking. source

Medicine change up

If your toddler has already turned up her nose at the medicine spoon, try giving her the medication in a medicine dropper. source

Flavored medicine

Empower your child by lettering her choose between different flavors or colors of medicine if you have the option. source

Aiming medicines

Aim the medicine for the back of the mouth, where it’s less likely to taste bad and less likely to spill out. source

Hearing loss

1-3 infants/thousand are born w/significant hearing loss. Poor hearing can severely inhibit baby’s cognitive development. Source

Flavoring medications

Ask pharmacist to mask taste of yucky liquid meds w/flavoring like FLAVORx. They range from root beer to tangerine Source

Choosing medication

Need medicine? Empower child by lettering her choose between different flavors or colors of medicine. Source

Giving medicine

Delivery can make the difference. If tot has turned up nose at spoon, try giving medication in a dropper. Source

Brushing when sick

If child is sick, toothpaste should be placed on the brush by qtip or clean finger to avoid contaminating the toothpaste tube. more info

Boo boo tip

If your child cuts his lip, use a cold Popsicle. He will be excited about a treat, and it will reduce swelling at the same time. more info

When asthma develops

Most children who have asthma developed the disease while they were still toddlers.

From: elitesleep.com